【12th week 09/09/17 – 15/09/17】

My two weeks' holiday has come to an end, and I’m so glad that I could have done many things which I could do especially when on holiday. From next week, I’m gonna move to another course which is preparing for the Cambridge Exam. It’s like Eiken in Japan, but it focuses on the use of English in the real situation. I hope that this study will help my teaching of English exam, because the entrance exam of Japanese universities has been changing; they try to use these kind of English exams in order to measure the English proficiency of high school students. Anyway, it’s gonna be hard months for me but I’ll put my all effort on it.

The second week of my holiday, I went to Ireland which I didn’t expect to go before I came in the UK. My Swiss friend Flavia planned to go there, so I went with her. Through this trip, I’ve found some tips for my English study.

During this trip, we took a bus tour and I think it must have been a good listening exercise. The bus driver told us loads of things such as the history of Ireland, famous Irish songs, and Irish slangs as well. If I hadn’t taken a bus tour, I couldn’t have learnt these things. I used to think that traveling on our own is the best way, but I would say the bus tour is the good way to improve your listening skill.

And what impressed me most was the Irish music. The interesting thing is we could hear the same songs wherever we went. They have a lot of Irish songs, and the driver told me that most of the songs were sung about the resistance to the rule of England. My favorite one is “No Nay Never” which I heard every single day in Ireland. When I go back to Japan, I do want to sing these songs with my students.





そしてこの旅で一番感動したのは、アイルランド音楽。面白いことにどこに行っても同じ曲をみんな歌ってました。ドライバーさんは、「ほとんどの曲はイギリスから支配への抵抗を歌ったものだよ」と。私が好きなのは「No Nay Never」。この旅で毎日どこかで聞いた曲。笑 いつか生徒と一緒に歌いたい曲リストに追加されました。


【Words & Phrases 〜Irish ver.〜】

★ (名)folks:「みなさん」。「guys」よりも少し丁寧。アイルランドのみの言葉で はないけれどよく聞きました。イギリスだと「mates」にあたるのか。

★ (名)crack:「楽しい事、楽しい時間」。英語でいうと「fun / enjoyable」のような。「We had a great crack last night」みたいな感じで使うそうです。

★ (形)barren:「不毛な」。この英単語はアイルランドのバレン高原っていうゴツゴツした岩だらけの場所が語源らしい。ドライバーさん情報。この高原を実際に見たけど本当に石灰岩でゴッツゴツでした。

★ (発音) thをtで発音する:thinkがtink、threeがtreeに聞こえる。バスの運転手さんに運賃聞いたら「treeユーロ」って言われて「?」ってなった理由はこれか!!












アイリッシュソング "No Nay Never"、バイオリンすごい🎻

これもアイリッシュソング "Irish Rover" この曲が一番好きでした。



Up to You

Up to You

So much of me is made of what I learned from you. -Wicked: For good