【14th week 23/09/17 – 29/09/17】

Drinking loads of “cups of tea” has made me bigger, obviously. It reminds me of my uni days when I worked at Starbucks and drank many beverages, as a result of which I’d put on weight.

Apparently, I suppose that I’m facing a wall of English speaking. According to some web sites, there are steps of improving English. They say like this;

STEP1: You become faster of transfering Japanese to English especially for daily and class conversation, because of which you’ve repeated them many times.

STEP2: You start to input a lot of vocabulary and grammar with English sense. (e.g. You try to understand English vocabulary in English)

STEP3: You face a big wall that you can’t follow the speed of native and well speaker, which makes you feel disappointed.

STEP4: You start to think English in English.

STEP5: With some additional exercises, you become to follow up their pace eventually.

Actually, I’m in the STEP3 and literally this is a struggling moment. And I can’t figure out the feeling of thinking English in English. Sometime I’m just wondering how I’ve mastered Japanese…lol Anyway, there seems to be no shortcut and spell, so I’ll stand and face it.


大量の「カッパッティー(cup of tea)」のおかげで絶対体重増えたなぁと思う今日このごろ。大学生時代スタバで働き始めたときにフラペチーノ飲みすぎて体重が激増したのを思い出します。







今自分はステップ3にいるんだろうなぁと思います。しかもステップ4の「英語を英語で考える」という感覚が相当難しい少なくとも自分の中にはまだ全然ないです。最近自分によく「あなたどうやって日本語覚えたんよ…」って真面目に問いかけます。笑 母国語って最強だなぁ…。



【Words & Phrases】







★(形)flattered:「喜んだ」。flatterは動詞で「お世辞を言う」。そこから「I’m flattered.」は褒め言葉に対して「褒め過ぎです、お世辞でしょう」と謙遜しながらも嬉しさを表すときに使うとのこと。使える!





Up to You

So much of me is made of what I learned from you. -Wicked: For good